Letter writing, there are different reasons why you might need to write a letter to your employer or a potential new employer, common types of letters include;
- Cover letter: to accompany a job application.
- Grievance Letter: to set out a complaint to your employer.
- Appeal letter: to challenge a disciplinary/dismissal decision.
Cover letter: Probably the most common letter to write. A great cover letter will support a great CV and strengthen your job application. Just like your CV your cover letter should make clear to the employer; what you can offer, how your skills and experience are compatible with the role, and why you want to work in that organisation.
A well written cover letter will include;
- A strong introduction
- Details of relevant achievements and skills
- A believable statement about what you can bring to the role
- How your skills set matches the job description
- Real reasons why you want to join the company
- How you would like the opportunity to discuss your application at interview.

Grievance letters:
A workplace Grievance may arise from any number of reasons including;
Your employer will most likely have a grievance policy in place and it is advisable to follow this. Most issues can be resolved informally and it is likely your internal process will allow for matters to be resolved in this manner. However, you might feel the formal route is the most appropriate way to address the matter. If this is the case you will need to submit a Grievance letter to your line manager or to the appropriate person detailed in the company Grievance procedure. In your letter, you should outline the nature of your Grievance, the person(s) or issue about which you are complaining. Your letter should concise, clearly stating the issues and include any relevant dates and the names of any witnesses.
If you have been through a Grievance or Disciplinary process and you are unhappy with the outcome, you are entitled to appeal this decision. As with a Grievance letter your appeal letter should be sent to the appropriate person and clearly set-out your grounds of appeal. Depending on the nature, writing a letter can be time consuming and stressful-it doesn’t have to be –we can do it for you.
If you would like advice on letter writing email info@workmattersireland.ie or call 0852406026.