A Grievance is a complaint, concern or problem which an employee brings in relation to Terms & Conditions of employment. Grievances can arise for a variety of reasons including the following when the proper employment grievance procedures are carried by any employer.
- Workplace conditions
- Compensation and benefits
- Changing work practices
- Alleged discrimination, bullying or harassment
- Health & safety issues
- Performance Management
- Promotion and grading
- Issues with Management/other employees

While there is no legally binding process that you or your employer must follow when raising or dealing with a workplace grievance, your employer should have written details of the company employment grievance procedures policy. This procedure should be compatible with best practice guidelines set out in Workplace Relations Commission’s Code of practice on Grievance procedures and include both a Informal and Formal option. If you have a Grievance, you should first refer to company policy on how to progress the matter.
The company will most likely endeavour to reach early resolution through the informal process; as this often the best route to resolving issues. However, it might be that you feel the matter is best addressed through the Formal process and if so, you should submit your Grievance in writing to the appropriate person.
If you feel you would like support to prepare and submit your grievance, email info@workmattersireland.ie or call 0852406026.